It's official.
I am uncomfortable and [slightly] irritated all the time now.
Last night, John was looking at snowmobiles on his phone (his way of relaxing before sleep), and I kept tossing and turning, trying to find a sleeping position that would suffice. I obviously got his attention, because he turned and asked, "Are you trying to seduce me?" My response: "Really? I look and feel like a beluga whale. So no. I'm not. Goodnight."
Who the hell feels sexy and seductive when they're 35 weeks pregnant!?
I don't want to complain because it does nothing to help the situation...but right now that's all I can do. I feel huge and ridiculously unattractive, can't breathe the majority of the time, can't eat half of the foods I want to, (including chocolate...yay heartburn), I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, and my unborn child won't stop kicking. >:( I have a brand new pair of running shoes that I want to just throw on and go for a few mile run...but I can barely walk a couple blocks without feeling like I just ran a marathon. Picking Harvey up is a chore now, not to mention feeding and cleaning up after him.
Is it too much to just want to hold my new little baby in my arms? And now!?
All I can pray for is an early delivery again.
Five weeks and counting, or preferably less....
oh Really? But you look so dang cute, with that perfect little tummy and all.